Saturday, September 20, 2008

September 20, 2008 - Brianna Plays "Dress Up"

In our living room, which is a horrible mess, underneath the coffee table, I keep a bunch of Bri's clothes. Mostly jammies, stretch pants, and a couple onesies, usually. It started out of sheer laziness, and me absolutely hating walking up my incredibly steep stairs, which I've fallen down numerous times, both by myself and while holding Bri. So, practicality, too. Brianna was puking all over her clothes fairly regularly, and I hated making 20 trips up and down stairs each day. It was bad enough having to walk upstairs to use the toilet in our 2 bedroom.

Anyway, later, when we started speech therapy at Shriner's, the clothes under the table became a way for Brianna to choose what she wants to wear....I'd give her a choice between two outfits....the one she didn't want to wear, went under the table to be an option the next day. Of course, clothes would pile up....I hate housework, and I work full time.

One article of clothing that has remained under the coffee table for months now is the skirt that you see on Bri's left arm in the picture above. Being size 18 months, the skirt is much too short for Bri to wear anymore, but, it seems to be her favorite article of clothing, because every day, she pulls that skirt out from under the coffee table, and she puts it on her left arm. The skirt is soon followed by her Pirate Dora nightgown, which she drapes over her tummy. This might be followed by a bright pair of jammie pants, or, as was the case yesterday, a pair of jeans draped over her face.

Thus, you have Brianna's version of playing dress up. On occasion, she'll drag every single article of clothing under that coffee table out, and she'll have herself buried in all of it, at which point, she starts either shrieking with laughter, or fussing because she can't see and can't get out. Either way, you can't help but laugh and be absolutely thrilled when she does something that is so typical of a three year old girl.

Note the Dora nightgown in her left hand in the picture below, and the dark denim jeans beside her. It didn't take long before those jeans were draped over her chest.

