Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 3, 2008 - 50 Steps!

Okay, update time!

In the past two weeks, there's been quite a bit happening. First of all, Brianna started back at daycare again, so that I can look for work. So far, there've been no interviews or anything yet. But I'm still looking. Brianna does well at daycare, but when I drop her off, she has to do the token fussing and resisting to remind me that I had better come back for her. But as soon as that door is shut behind me, she's happy as a clam. It's like a light switch. Seriously, that fast. No real tears, even.

In therapy, Brianna has been developing a distinctively stubborn and contrary streak, especially when we have occupational therapy at Shriner's. Whether we have OT or PT, Brianna always spends some time driving in the power chair. When we have OT and put her in it, she absolutely HATES to go any direction you tell her to. Ask her to go straight, she turns circles. Say, "Let's go get stickers", she goes to look at the fish. Say, "Let's go look at the fish", she goes towards the sky bridge. If she hears the elevator, she tries to get on it. If she sees a door open, she wants to go through it. Voices are another adventure for her. She'll go anywhere she hears voices. She runs into walls, just for the fun of it. "Authorized personnel only" signs hold no meaning for her. Nor do the words, "Stop" or "Let's go..." And the entire time she is contradicting every word you say to her, she has a great big grin on her face!

Now, in contrast, when we have PT, Brianna is a perfect angel. She drives in straight lines, with minimal crashes into walls or doorways. You say, "Let's go get stickers", and not only does she go to the room, but she does her little circle to turn around and see the stickers, WITHOUT trying to go into the central supply room first! She just tools up and down those halls, as sweet as can be, happy as a clam, minding everything Molly says. Of course, as soon as Denee, the OT, shows up, which she does if she has spare time during our therapy hour, Brianna starts being a little stinker again. And I know it isn't because she dislikes either one of them. She loves them both! She immediately gets full of smiles when she sees either one of them. I think it's just because Denee gives her a little more freedom than Molly does, maybe. When Bri drives with the PT, often Molly will walk along behind, with her hands on the handles, that way she can easily correct if Brianna needs the help. There is no guiding the chair with the handles while it is in drive. It's too heavy. So I know that it isn't Molly keeping Brianna straight through her own force. In contrast, when Denee puts Bri in the chair, she walks along side, or a couple feet behind, so she's a few steps away, close enough to reach if necessary, but far enough away that Brianna doesn't feel like she's being crowded or pushed. It's amazing to compare their different styles of teaching and therapy.

Now, as for the title of this thread...Yes, it means Brianna took about 50 steps! In PT on Thursday, Brianna was NOT a happy camper in her walkabout. She just couldn't seem to get that right leg to do what she wanted it to, so she was standing still quite a bit. So, Molly took Brianna out of the walkabout, and just held her under the arms. And Brianna walked about 25-30 steps away from me that way. Then she walked back to me that way. It was amazing! She was so happy, and you could tell from her grin and the happy sounds she was making that she was proud of herself! She was awesome! I wish I would have remembered to bring my camera. From now on, I do not go to therapy without it. There are too many important milestones that I might miss if I don't have my camera.

Anyway, it's late now, and I'm tired, so I'm going to end this entry here. I'll update on Brianna's progress in speech therapy tomorrow or the next day.

Oh, and Damien, we haven't seen you in a while, but I know you're probably reading, and I wanted to let you know that any time you want to see Bri or spend time with her, all you have to do is let me know. You're more than welcome to come see her, or keep her overnight, or even just for a couple hours, if you want to. All ya have to do is ask.


Dawn said...

50 STEPS!!!! That is so amazing! You go girl! I crack up every time I heard you talk about Brianna being a little stinker. Such a little nut.

Sheila said...

Way to go Brianna! That's awesome! I love reader the little stinker stories too!

Kiera said...

Yay Brianna!!! That is wonderful!!! I also love the stories of her showing her little attitude -- so cute!! Way to go Brianna!!

Barbara said...

Great job Brianna! You must be a very proud mommy. I think that little attitude is going to help her out big time - even if it does drive you a bit crazy sometimes!

* ~ *Jessica* ~ * said...

I don't recall getting a text about this?! 5o steps?! Thats BIG news!!!! This time, I'll let it go. Don't expect me to do it again! Do you understand?! :) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!! Brianna ROCKS!!!

