Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 26, 2008 - Quick Update

Just a quick update for you all who might be curious as to what's going on with us. We got all moved in to our new apartment. Took about 5 days of moving stuff, and a couple hours of cleaning, but it's all done. We've got most everything unpacked and set up, too, and it's starting to feel like home.

Brianna's Walkabout is ready for pick up. But since the PT is gone all week, we don't get to pick it up until April 3rd, when we see her next. But I'm excited to get it. And we have room for it now, in our new aparment :-).

Other than that, nothing new. A lot of emotional stuff going on for me right now, but I won't blog about it here. If you have access to my other blog, you can read about it there. Thanks for checking in!

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