Okay, just to start off, here's a video of Brianna driving in her power wheelchair, providing it works.
Okay, so, this video was taken on Thursday, which is when I originally intended to upload it, but I got a bit distracted in the days since. But here's an update for you all.
Brianna is doing amazingly well in therapy. As if the video isn't proof enough, here's some more. On Tuesday, we had our regular Speech therapy session at Shriner's. Brianna had been in her wheelchair for quite a while, and was getting agitated at being in it and not driving, so we took her out to let her rest. While I was holding her on my lap, we started playing a bit of a game. The ST programmed the step-by-step to give Brianna three options: bounce, wiggle and kisses. Brianna very quickly, consistently and deliberately chose "bounce" several times in a row! She knew what "bounce" meant, and she wanted more!
On Wednesday, we had our regular session with the OT at the rehab center. After Brianna demonstrated her determination to learn to crawl, the therapist was encouraged. She decided to try some quadriped positions with Brianna to help strengthen those muscles she needs to strengthen to be able to crawl. Brianna was holding a ring/rattle toy in her right hand, so she wasn't really using her right hand for support. The therapist decided to try taking the toy out of that hand, to see if she would bear weight on the hand without the toy there. So, the OT popped the toy out of Brianna's hand. Brianna promptly started puckering up. That bottom lip started to jut out and tremble, little tears welling up in her eyes. She wanted the toy back! When I told the OT Brianna was starting to pout, she gave the toy back. Which promptly brought about the usual smiley, happy Brianna.
The next day, we had OT/PT at Shriner's, as well as our clinical visit with the orthopedic pediatrician. Bri's x-rays came back just fine, though he is concerned about the tightening of her Achille's tendon, and mentioned the possiblity of botox (yikes!). Anyway, after our clinical, we went upstairs for our OT/PT session, where I took the video of Brianna driving. She stayed in her chair for 35 minutes, and then we took her out to give her some time in the walkabout. By this time she was starting to get tired; we could all see it. Standing in that gait trainer, she was taking some wonderful steps by herself. But she was really sagging, couldn't hold her head up, just looked like a zombie there. So we decided to take her out and end the session a bit early. As soon as Brianna was out of the walkabout, she started puckering that mouth up, and actually wailing! She wanted more! She was making progress, walking, and then we took her out!
Then, on Friday, Brianna was watching cartoons. It was on Disney Channel, and Charlie and Lola came on. Normally, the tv would've been on Nick Jr. by that time, so I changed the channel, and Yo Gabba Gabba was on. I absolutely detest Yo Gabba Gabba. So I switched it to Noggin, where Wonder Pets (I think) was on. Brianna started crying even harder! So I switched it back to Disney, which didn't make her happy. So then I switched it back to Yo Gabba Gabba, and she promptly stopped crying, and started laughing. I'm telling you, this little girl knows what she wants, and is definitely learning the quickest and most effective ways of expressing that! I'm so proud of my little girl. She's making some amazing strides in all of this, and is growing up so fast! I want another one!
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